In the last few years, Petra Schenek has been successfully leading the company through the pandemic in her extended function, in addition to commercial management, and handing it over to Moritz Kohnle, who is now the managing partner at the head of the management board.
After the reorganization of the ownership structure, all shares are in the hands of the Kohnle family.
Continuous further development of services with regard to industry 4.0. Augmented reality solutions for customer support in the event of a fault.
Almost 5,000 individual equipment lines or more than 1,500 interlinked lines were sold, delivered and started up to customers in 32 countries worldwide.
The equipment sizes and max. possible throughput performances were successfully further developed and are now at 12m heated length and max. 2,500kg/h throughput performance.
The annual turnover could be increased to almost 13 million €, with an export quota of about 70%.
Foundation of a joint venture with an Indian heat treatment equipment manufacturer and foundation of the company KHTS – Kohnle Heat Treating Systems Pvt. Ltd.
The export share clearly exceeds the domestic turnover. Further license agreements are concluded with partner companies in China and India.
Numerous new and further developments followed, resulting in increased activities on non-European markets as well. The automotive supply industry is increasingly becoming the largest customer segment.
The year of the second change of ownership. A small group of local businessmen take over the company.
In the 90s, the equipment sizes were further developed up to a throughput of 2,000kg/h. Highly efficient, modern gas heating systems are implemented. The company expands its market presence to include non-European sales markets. First license agreements are concluded with Asian and South American companies.
The ownership changes to a U.S venture capital group and a new management is beeing implemented.
Founded by Wolfgang Kohnle as an owner-managed company for the construction and servicing of heat treatment equipment – initially primarily for the local jewellery and watchmaking industry in southern Germany and from the 1970s onwards nationwide with an expanded product range.